6 Causes of Bougainvillea Leaves Turning White [Solutions]

Causes of Bougainvillea Leaves Turning White

As difficult as it is often to pronounce Bougainvillea, this ornamental plant is known for its stunning and bright pink-colored foliage. With the paper-like texture of the flowers and leaves, the plant is quite popular in tropical countries and changes the look of your garden. However, with certain roadblocks and challenges, the bright pink appearance … Read more

7 Reasons for Mandeville Not Blooming [Practical Solutions]

7 Reasons for Mandeville Not Blooming [Practical Solutions]

Mandeville plants are characterized by pink-colored vibrant looking flowers. Whether a Mandeville plant will bloom in tropical or sub-tropical areas is completely dependent upon the amount of sunshine and water it receives. This plant can’t grow well in colder temperatures so, if you live in colder areas, you must make the necessary arrangements before you … Read more